
Reasons Why

There are many reasons why you might build a granny flat.  

Here are just a few.

Down size your home - upsize your lifestyle

Spending time with their little grandchildren was a major driver behind Shirley and Jim’s decision to build a second dwelling in their own back yard. While their adult children raise their family in the main house, they will always be close by to ensure they don’t miss a minute.

 Shirley & Jim love the fact they can go away in their caravan as often as they want, knowing that their pets and yard are being looked after.



A Head start for a young family

With housing affordability becoming increasingly more difficult for a young couple, Amanda and John wanted to help Emma and her partner Tristian. By all working together they were able to build a beautiful addition to their home where everyone had their own privacy and a young couple were able to start on their own family and financial journey.

A two story second dwelling means that there is always heaps of room for a full size kitchen and bathroom as well as comfortable bedrooms and living areas.


Keeping Loved ones close by

Julie & Frank had to have the hard conversation with Julie’s mother Sandra.  After the passing of Sandra’s husband Phil, Sandra’s health had deteriorated and she was unable to maintain their family home. They all agreed that an aged care facilities was not what any of them wanted.  After a lot of family discussion and a conversations with KiaDom Homes it was agreed that Sandra would sell and they would build a small custom designed home in there backyard which reflected the style of the property.
This has worked out well for everyone.  Julie no longer has to worry about Sandra living on her own. Frank is not doing maintenance on two properties and Sandra’s health as improved.  She loves the time she gets to spend with her family, especially her granddaughter Ruby.

Dream Mancave

Ok, close your eyes. Take a long deep breath. Imagine a turn of the century alpine cabin and…….open your eyes. Dennis wanted an escape. A place where he could take some time out with a nice scotch and think of a simpler time.

This award winning mancave was constructed from reclaimed railway sleepers and salvaged roofing iron. It’s the perfect space to take some time and recharge the batteries.

Home Office

The world is changing and there are a growing number of reasons to work from home. Reducing commuting time means more time with family. Not driving to work means a smaller carbon footprint.  A well-designed home office, tailor-built to your needs, can be a comfortable and a cost effective way to work from home and conduct your business. 

What is your reason Why?